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We aim to create a scaleable and sustainable solution to the plastic pollution problem that is plaguing Southern Africa’s ecologically sensitive areas.

Ele-Collection is beginning a journey to remove plastic for good and we need your help.

Southern Africa is gifted with exquisite wilderness and its crown jewel must be the Victoria Falls. We believe that we should leave this stunning region in a better state than we found it. Our immediate goal is to clean up Victoria Falls City and the National Parks that surround it. Once this has been achieved, Ele-Collection will set their sites on the entire KAZA Region.

The Mission

Our Plan

Ele-Collection is here to close the plastic loop. Our first step will be to act as a driving force for the collection of plastic waste, draining it from all corners of the environment. Then we will recycle it into products that protect our communities and ecosystems from harm. 

We understand that our solutions cannot stand alone. Our team will be working with some excellent organisations that are equally driven to fight back against plastic. Such a large issue can only be tackled by the entire community.


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